Selected Tools of Modern Theoretical Physics 2B
This is the mandatory Selected tools of modern theoretical physics 2B course of the Master in Theoretical Physics at the University of Wrocław. It is tailored towards master and (if interested) PhD students who are familiar with
- linear algebra,
- analysis, and ideally
- differential geometry (from Selected Tools of Modern Theoretical Physics 2A).
There are many good books on the subject, four that I would like to point out are
- Fecko: Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists
- Naimark, Štern: Theory of Group Representations
- Barut, Rączka: Theory of Group Representation and Applications
- Zee: Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists
There will be 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of labs each week. Note that we will start in the middle of the semester, after part A of this course which deals with differential geometry. Exercises will be posted here a week before the lab they are discussed in. Please keep in mind that active participation in the labs and especially submitting the solution to the posed problems is important to pass the course. M.Sc. Alex Swash will be the assistant for this course. Please fell free to contact him or me if you have any questions. For information about credits points, please refer to the syllabus or contact me directly.
Location: Lectures will be held in room 442, while the tutorial will take place in room 511.
Additional material for the individual lectures, including the exercises which we discuss in the labs, is given below:
- Mathematical preliminaries: groups, fields, vectors spaces and algebrasLecture16.04.2025 10:15
- A hands on introduction to Lie groups (we look at SO(3) in all detail)Lecture28.04.2025 08:15
- Invaraint tensor fields on a Lie group, transition from group to algebraLecture12.05.2025 08:15
- Exponential map, Matrix groupsLecture19.05.2025 08:15
- Basic concepts of representation theory, adjoint representation and Killing-metricLecture26.05.2025 08:15
- Weights, Roots, Cartan Matrix and Dynkin diagramsLecture02.06.2025 08:15
- SU(N) representations from Young tableaux, Littlewood–Richardson rule for tensor productsLecture09.06.2025 08:15
- Action of Lie groups on manifolds, orbits, stabilizers and homogenous spacesLecture16.06.2025 08:15