Wroclaw U. • Europe
Deadline on Friday, December 23rd 2022, 22:59:00

Job description:

The Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Wrocław, Poland, invites applications for a 3-year postdoc in String Theory and Quantum Gravity within the project "Duality Symmetries as Key to Quantum Spacetime" funded by the National Science Centre Poland to create a new research group with Falk Hassler as principal investigator. In addition to the PI, this group consists of at least one master's student, three PhD students, and a postdoc (you). A second senior postdoc, David Osten, will join the group at the beginning of next year as the principal investigator of a POLONEZ BIS grant. Depending on available funding, a third postdoc might join us in 2023. You have the chance to become a members of a very active research group with numerous opportunities to collaborate locally, and internationally with an extensive network of collaborators worldwide.

Starting Date: September/October 2023

How to apply: Please fill out the APPLICATION FORM, where you have to provide the following information/documents:

  1. General information about you (name, email, PhD date, and university)
  2. Names and email addresses of three referees, who agree to provide reference letters for you
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Statement of research interests
  5. Cover letter (optional)

The revision of applications starts now and continues until a suitable candidate is found, but after

Friday, 23/12/2022 23:59:59 CET,

the application form is closed and no more applications will be accepted. Please make sure that also your reference letters have been uploaded by then.

Research Tasks: You will have the chance to contribute your ideas to research projects of the group, which are focused on the topics

  • quantum corrections to non-linear σ-models
  • generalised geometry and double/exceptional field theory
  • higher derivative corrections in (super)gravity
  • integrability in string theory
  • consistent truncations
  • conformal field theory
  • computer algebra systems

and their applications in holography, cosmology, and the swampland. We care about your professional development. Therefore, you will be provided with generous travelling funds to participate in workshops and conferences, present our work and extend your network of potential collaborators. Moreover, you will be included in the supervision of our PhD students to develop leadership skills and build an independent research profile.


  • PhD degree in theoretical physics or a closely related field by the start date of the position
  • fluent English in writing and speaking
  • ability to publish research results in leading journals
  • experience in string theory is desirable, ideally focusing on one or more of the following topics: σ-models, integrable deformations, generalised geometry and double/exceptional field theory, higher-derivative corrections, supergravity, conformal field theory, D-branes
  • a highly motivated team player, willing to share knowledge with the group's master's and PhD students

Terms of Employment: The position is guaranteed for two years with an extension of one more year based on satisfactory performance (2+1).

Salary: The monthly gross salary is 10000 PLN. After deducting taxes, pension, and health insurance costs approximately 7000-6000 PLN are left. With this income, a single person can have a comfortable life in Wrocław (i.e. see Numbeo to get a first impression). You are entitled to at least 20 days of paid holidays.

The University of Wrocław is one of the leading universities in Poland, currently teaching over 26,000 students and around 1,300 doctoral students. It is situated on the banks of the Oder River in the city of Wrocław. With more than 130,000 students, Wrocław is one of the most youth-oriented cities in the heart of Europe.

For questions, please contact Falk Hassler at .

Contact: Hassler, Falk ()
Applications: Through the APPLICATION FORM (https://www.fhassler.de/jobs/postdoc_22/apply)

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